
I Will Wait For You...

If I could have spoken any sooner, I would have been prophetic.

It has literally been like 3 days since I came back from playing the most awesome conference in Charlotte, with the most awesome people ever and already I'm back to the grind.
Monday was a bit of a tug of war.
It was President's Day, I was hanging out with my family, the weather was amazing but in the back of my mind I kept remembering all the things I had to get done.

Practicing songs for this weekend at Journey...

Picking a song for my audition...

Making schedules...


Shall I go on?

Like even now, just typing that out is putting me into a mental frenzy. Deadlines deadlines deadlines and I am left feeling unprepared.
Even through all the progress I've made with that list, I still feel like I need an extra week just to catch up with my life!
And as always, when there is a moment of quiet where I'm not fraught with worry, I reflect on how God could see the situation.
There's a song that I literally just finished listening to, covered by my brilliant and talented friend Tawny, and it talks about this very subject! Imagine that! Haha
It's about how in the madness of life and the busyness, we have to find a place where God can speak to us.


Till Next Time...


Greek IV Conference Post-Friday Session

We're here!
I'm so thrilled to be back playing for the Greek Conference. I've looked forward to this since I was asked to play again.
Last night was the first full day of preparation for the conference. We spent our entire morning getting equipment from all over which I found brilliant. Caleb, our drummer, has connections in Charlotte. He pooled his resources to get us mics, cords, speakers and a bunch of other stuff that was just beyond me haha We're even staying with his ever-so-gracious parents who have accommodated us extremely well.
Anyways, we got things set up, met some of the staff and ran through the set for hours until we got it right.
And it was so worth it.
When we stepped onto that stage, I could just feel the excitement building. Or maybe it was just me and my nerves lol
But I immediately started praying for the set and for the people out in the room. And for God to not let me screw up...but God doesn't really answer that specific prayer always haha I think it's just to keep me humble and I'm very okay with that. :)
Then the first song started.
It was brilliant!
The students were so pumped and responded so well. They were singing back in a way reminiscent of Passion Conference! I couldn't help being drawn away from worrying about chording to the sound of a couple hundred students singing out to God.
Needless to say, it was one of the best experiences in worship I've had in a while :)
So, that was short and kind of vague BUT we are about to leave again for a rehearsal so till next time! :)


A Dash of Reflection...

Hmm...well this is interesting...

For the first time in my life, I feel like progress is being made; like hope is on the horizon, gleaming. Filling me with warmth and pushing me to strive on further.

I am, of course, talking about music stuff.

For the first time I actually feel like a musician. I've been playing for years, pushing forward, trying my hardest to 'make it' but now I think I'm starting to understand what it really means to be one.
The past couple of years haven't exactly been peachy, both musically and personally. Some people (:ahem mom & dad:) more than others can attest to that but I can see how it has shaped me into the Steven Sharpe sitting here writing this.
I feel like God is very cleverly showing Himself actively in my life finally! I know He was always there dropping hints but now I can see it. Just in the subtleties of life and how He throws a dash of this or that to shift my perspective in a positive way. And the evidence of that couldn't be found more than in the way I play my music.
He revealed my heart to myself and I was in awe at how real it was.
God changed my focus from 'me' back to 'Him'. I stopped looking for musically opportunities to benefit myself and began listening and waiting for Him to work His plan in my life. Now things are looking up! I have an awesome friend teaching me sheet music, a great opportunity coming up in the next couple of weeks and I'm leaving tomorrow for the Greek Intervarsity Conference in Charlotte with some of my favorite people to play music with!
Makes me so excited and eager to see what God has in store for me. I know He will have His way. I only want to let Him.

So with that being said, I'm going to continue practicing (and packing...gosh lol). I just ask that you pray for me and the team heading to Charlotte tomorrow night. Pray that we have safe travels and that we stay focused on God so to be able to effectively minister to these university students through worship.
Thanks! :)

Till Next Time...


It's All A Process Apparently...

It's so amazing how quickly I get under something that I got over.

Like being disappointed over things I can't control. It's a complete waste of time and I know it. But the minute that I'm determined to dwell in the present and be thankful.



I'm back in business.
It's a stupid business.

And it's frustrating! How, if I am in freedom, keep loading up the chains? Paul spoke about this in one of his letters and it's so honest. It's like the most honest statement in the Bible in my opinion. He does things he doesn't want to do and the things he wants to do, he can't find himself doing.
It's an endless cycle of wishing and washing and battling against the sinful nature that is embedded into my every fiber. It really does make my skin crawl.

And the most frustrating part is that people pretend that there's nothing wrong! Like, hellooooo do you not see the problem here? This is what you should be doing and this is not. You are in the not. It's frustrates the crap out of me. When will it end? When will we stop lying to ourselves and others and just admit we are faulty and go to God.
I know I am the last person to be saying this because I have the hardest time asking for help for anything. From God. People. Anyone. And currently, I'm not really happy with God at the moment.
Just being honest.
But I know the truth. We just have to open our hearts and let Jesus hammer away at us. We are His little sculptures. Especially crafted. Handmade by the Creator. He has the final end in mind and is molding us till we complete the masterpiece He has set us.
Now when you think of it in that way, it sounds so poetic, right?
Wonderful process but it's so painful.
Sorry about the rant. I think I was long over-due for one. And congrats for getting all the way to the end! You're a trooper :)

Till Next Time

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