
I Will Wait For You...

If I could have spoken any sooner, I would have been prophetic.

It has literally been like 3 days since I came back from playing the most awesome conference in Charlotte, with the most awesome people ever and already I'm back to the grind.
Monday was a bit of a tug of war.
It was President's Day, I was hanging out with my family, the weather was amazing but in the back of my mind I kept remembering all the things I had to get done.

Practicing songs for this weekend at Journey...

Picking a song for my audition...

Making schedules...


Shall I go on?

Like even now, just typing that out is putting me into a mental frenzy. Deadlines deadlines deadlines and I am left feeling unprepared.
Even through all the progress I've made with that list, I still feel like I need an extra week just to catch up with my life!
And as always, when there is a moment of quiet where I'm not fraught with worry, I reflect on how God could see the situation.
There's a song that I literally just finished listening to, covered by my brilliant and talented friend Tawny, and it talks about this very subject! Imagine that! Haha
It's about how in the madness of life and the busyness, we have to find a place where God can speak to us.


Till Next Time...

1 comment:

  1. "Worry does not waste tomorrow of its sorrows, it wastes today of its strength." -Corrie Ten Boon

    Something I'm learning. :) He's got it all, we can trust. :)


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