
Greek IV Conference Post-Friday Session

We're here!
I'm so thrilled to be back playing for the Greek Conference. I've looked forward to this since I was asked to play again.
Last night was the first full day of preparation for the conference. We spent our entire morning getting equipment from all over which I found brilliant. Caleb, our drummer, has connections in Charlotte. He pooled his resources to get us mics, cords, speakers and a bunch of other stuff that was just beyond me haha We're even staying with his ever-so-gracious parents who have accommodated us extremely well.
Anyways, we got things set up, met some of the staff and ran through the set for hours until we got it right.
And it was so worth it.
When we stepped onto that stage, I could just feel the excitement building. Or maybe it was just me and my nerves lol
But I immediately started praying for the set and for the people out in the room. And for God to not let me screw up...but God doesn't really answer that specific prayer always haha I think it's just to keep me humble and I'm very okay with that. :)
Then the first song started.
It was brilliant!
The students were so pumped and responded so well. They were singing back in a way reminiscent of Passion Conference! I couldn't help being drawn away from worrying about chording to the sound of a couple hundred students singing out to God.
Needless to say, it was one of the best experiences in worship I've had in a while :)
So, that was short and kind of vague BUT we are about to leave again for a rehearsal so till next time! :)

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