I'm pretty sure I've walked a marathon since I have arrived here. I have also already misplaced my Metropass so that's fun -____-
Anyways, a recap from yesterday! I was going to blog last night but I when I finally arrived at my hotel, my body revolted and reverted me to a state of stasis.
Yesterday morning I went to, what felt like, every museum there was in Washington. I went to the National Museum of Art, the Sculpture Garden, the Smithsonian (nearly all of them), the National Archives, and God knows what else. I literally just kept walking and when I saw something that caught my eye, I stopped and went inside.
I have loads of pictures from the art museums. They're all ones that caught my attention and sparked something in me. I must say, that after being surrounded by all that art, I felt so amazingly refreshed! I was totally right in assuming that being around the results of inspirations would inspire me. Go me.
Then I was a total nerd and went to the National Archives. I'm not sure why but I knew that there was something in there that I remembered and I was totally right! I walked in and the minute I saw the sign for the "Rotunda" (which is my new favourite word btw) I remembered! I made a beeline straight there and saw the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. Now I know what you're thinking, "that's dumb, Steven. They're just documents." I would reply, "Shut up. I love it." Haha! On a similar note, I think it's interesting that I would go to visit these documents that are symbols of America when I want to move to Europe. I guess I will never understand myself or my reasonings.
Okay so after I saw the documents, I was so over everything else and left straightaway to the Smithsonian. I think it was the natural science museum. I walked in and there were children everywhere. So I swiftly made my way through the building, not stopping long anywhere. Well, that was until I saw the signs for the Hope Diamond. I headed up to it and I have to say, it was kind of worth it.
So yeah, that happened. After I had seen the diamond, I left and when I walked outside I saw this guy.

It's a freaking real life castle in the middle of the Mall.
So naturally I went inside to see what was going on. Sadly, the exhibit inside was closed. So I walked straight through the building to the other side disappointed. :(
But I did get this shot of the beautiful garden before I left.
I guess it wasn't a total lost. (totally was)
I proceeded to try and find some lunch. I took the metro into town and when I came up from the station entrance, I saw this!
A real life protest! I had never seen one before so naturally I stopped to see what was the deal. I have no idea what they were protesting. I think it had something to do with AIDS. I just kept giggling because I thought it would only be natural for my trip to DC to include a protest. I thought for a moment about joining them but then I figured it was best not to. So I went to lunch instead at this awesome place called District of Pi! I have to say, it was one of the tastiest lunches I have had in a while. And my servers were awesome. If you ever go, make sure you're in Alex's section. She's a punky looking girl and she's awesome. She made some awesome suggestions and made sure I was taken care of.
Afterwards, I found another art museum. I think this was the Smithsonian one and it was wonderful. I also got lost in it haha! It's basically a square with a courtyard in the center and multiple entrances. I was silly and put my bag in one of their safes and it took a bit of turning about to find the right entrance. In any regard, it was a very pleasant trip. One of my favourite parts of it was finding this piano forte.
Isn't it beautiful?! This piano and I had a moment together. I really wanted to play it but, let's be real, I was not going to jail for trying to touch artwork. Although I was reprimanded for taking a picture in a "no pictures" exhibit. It was kind of funny in retrospect and I'm pretty sure I'm one of the few people that have a picture of Dolley Madison's red velvet dress.
After leaving the museum, I wandered a bit and then went back to change for the Milo Greene show! After getting to the venue, I was painfully made aware of my social awkwardness. I was literally against the wall trying to figure out what to do with my hands. Ugh. But once the show got started, I was golden. I just went to my own little place and enjoyed the bands. It was brilliant. Definitely my favourite band ever next to the Civil Wars. True story. Even their opener was awesome. I believe they were called Family of the Year. Definitely check them out.
After the show, I went and met the band. They were so nice and personable! I even chatted with Marlana about how I empathized with her. They were having technical problems and she had the face I usually have that says, "I'm completely frustrated with what's going on right now and if I feel like no one is taking this as seriously as I am." Yes. I am fluent in expressions.
Okay well this blog was much longer than I expected! I'm going to try and take it easy this morning, find some food and then head to Georgetown with my cousin! I'm so pumped!! :D
Till Next Time...
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