
The Aftermath...


That could pretty much describe the past couple of months.
Pretty much everything was running at warp speed and sending my mind into a whirlwind of thoughts and plans and people and work and trips and...madness!

Now? Not so much.

After the news from Berklee and my decision to not pursue Liberty, my life has pretty much plummeted from 21,000 feet to about 10 in reference to my thought process. I described it to my prayer circle on Thursday to the silence in the aftermath of a huge bomb. Which, I believe, is pretty freakin accurate.

At first it was quite peaceful! I could sit in my room and read a book for the first time in weeks and not be fraught with thoughts like, "Oh! I need to send that email!" or "I need to talk to mom and dad about *fill in the blank*" or "How am I going to pay for this?"
It was quite refreshing to say the least and very surprising! In my previous aftermaths, there were 'survivors' and they were rushing around in panic.
This one took out everyone. And the few 'survivors' that were present were injured and too tired to even panic.

Now, that this aftermath has lasted a few weeks, I'm getting unnerved. I usually get an idea or something pops up and gets me back in action.
I mean, I did give up my plans to God and said, in so many words, "Screw it all. Do what You like with me".
But I wasn't expecting my mind to go into sleep mode for so long. Nor did I expect God to not say anything. And further, I never in a million years think that when I thought about the future there would be blankness.

I'm not okay with that.
I'm kind of Type A in many aspects. One of those being that I always have a plan.

This new stage in my life is much like walking through a city with nowhere to go. I feel aimless, saddened, uninspired, unmotivated...stagnant; and I haven't a clue what to do about it. :/

So with that, I leave you with a prayer request. Pray that God would say something...anything so it can get me moving again. Also pray with me as I pray through an option that I'm sort of considering. I'm not feeling a draw, nor a drawback from doing this so I'm a little wary.

Till Next Time...

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